Saturday, April 5, 2008

Where is Nemo?... NOT HERE!

so spring break is pretty much over... BOO! but i guess I'm kinda glad. it was a great break tho! got to camp with the fam then had a lot of bonding time with my roomie.

My roommate and i and my pledge bro spent a lovely day at the aquarium. while PB was doing his homework thing me and roomie decided to go find Nemo. sounds plausible right? go to the aquarium and want to see a clown fish and you expect you will see one. well i guess this aquarium doesn't believe in Nemo because he wasn't there! am i bitter? no no, no no. just a little disappointed that i went in expecting to see my favorite little fish friend and realizing he isn't there. on the plus side we saw Dorey haha. it was a fun day. afterwards we traveled to the ocean to see the seals, that was fun. yea that's preety much it for that day. the rest of the week was great tho, went to the mall, hung out with friends, played a little (or a lot) of rock band. the most exciting thing tho is that all my roommates are home now yay! well that's all for now! peace!

Quote for the day: "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans."- good ol' Clay Aiken.

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