Sunday, April 27, 2008

My passion... Louisiana...

I know part of my calling in life. It is to go to Louisiana and serve the victims of the Katrina hurricanes. yes i know that was like 5 years ago, but believe it or not, things are still not ok down there.I know this is where i am supposed to be because God told me. I have been there twice in the past two years to help. The second time i went, spring break 2007, was when i found out. It was an amazing trip and when it was over i didn't want to leave. When i got back to school i was fighting with myself i wondered why am i here writing a stupid essay when i could be helping those poor people who need it so badly. I contemplated dropping out of college and moving to New Orleans and serving there. I talked to my closest and most trusted friends and family to see what i should do. To my surprise they all told me that they could tell that was my true passion and that i should do it. Even my mom told me that if that was truly what i wanted that i should do it and she would support me 100%. So here i was wanting and ready to leave school to go live in a completely different environment with absolutely no plan, and the approval of my mother. But, i didn't go through with it (obviously). What was holding me back from doing the one thing i wanted more than anything? GOD. I knew that if i was serious about this then i needed to seek the wisdom of GOD. I expected rejection, i expected him to say this is not where you belong, but once again i was pleasantly surprised by the answer i received. GOD told me that that was his plan, but not at that time, he would tell me when to go. so i know i am going i just don't know when.
Lately i have been feeling it, i want to know so bad when! but i need to be patient and trust that GOD will let me know clearly when i am ready. He is revealing more stuff to me about it and even tho it is so scary, it is really cool to be starting to know where my life is going. PEACE!

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